On April 19, 2011, Intercultural Open University Foundation held a symposium at the Arden, Delaware (USA) location to honor two distinguished graduates and to examine the future of educating change agents. The round table symposium acknowledged that future change agents would have to study and acquire self-discovery, mastery of ICT skills, and the creation of a new vision for humanity.
The Board of Governors and the President, Sandra Hurlong, PhD were delighted to award Certificates of Accomplishment in Social Change to Lisa Shaffner, PhD, LPCMH for her innovative work in higher education at Goldey-Beacom College (USA) and Mike Curtis, M.A. for his work with the Henry George School of Social Science in New York City.
The Board of Governors and the President were also pleased to announce (in keeping with the Foundation’s Hextlearn validation of ICT programs) that new iPad2 and MacBook Pro computers were presented to faculty and staff.
Shernaz Hurlong, DO, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehab, Upstate Medical University (NY), Sandra Hurlong, PhD, President, Intercultural Open University Foundation, Mike Curtis, M.A., Henry George School of Social Science (NY), Lisa Shaffner, PhD, LPCMH, Psychology Faculty of Goldey-Beacom College (USA), Roxanne K. Toothman, M.S., Special Assistant to the President of IOUF, and John M. Toothman, PhD, Board of Governors, IOU Foundation (NL)(USA)