Numerous concerns are being expressed today about the future of higher education and at the Intercultural Open University Foundation (IOUF) we look at this as a promising time of evolution and possibility. Many traditional universities are finally examining and embarking upon distance education programs at the same time as they are beginning to realize that embedding a global perspective into their programs generates substantial benefits for their students. When the IOUF opened its doors in 1981 we had already determined that the twin concepts of distance education and internationalism would form the bedrock of our educational model; we have spent the decades since then honing our programs and perfecting our model. This is not an educational concept that appeals to all people wishing to obtain an MA or a PhD degree. An IOUF program requires a great deal of initiative and discipline, and although these two qualities are emphasized in traditional educational models, they are even more relevant for success in an IOUF program. Our learners are highly motivated and dedicated to putting their best efforts into their program and thesis work. Because we use a customized and self-directed approach to education, our learners must also exhibit a great deal of responsibility and initiative in the pursuit of their education. In addition, our MA and PhD learners also: · Have a mature outlook on the world and their place in it · Are active in programs or activities that are focused on improving conditions for others with whom they share the planet · See themselves as having a special mission in the world · Find that their work, family and/or charitable commitments make study at a traditional “bricks and mortar” university either too costly or too difficult to fit into their schedule · Don’t want to be bound by a traditional educational paradigm that they feel is unwieldy and poorly suited to serving their needs · Are creative thinkers with a tendency to think and work “outside the box” Our learners and graduates are not “cookie cutter” people. They are unique individuals who are changing the world, rather than conforming to it. Does that describe you? If you are considering studies leading to a graduate or post-graduate degree and you find that all of the above resonates with you, then we invite you to contact us today by visiting our website for more information. We’re standing by to help you change your life as you change the world. ~~~ If you would like to know more about our academic partners, please visit their websites: The Universidad Azteca: The Universidad Central de Nicaragua: |
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