Ben R. Davis

PhD, Education

  • Ph.D., Education, The University of Chicago, Chicago
  • M.A., Divisional Social Sciences, The University of Chicago
  • B.A., The College, The University of Chicago


Ben R. Davis
PhD, Education




B.A., The College, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 



M.A., Divisional Social Sciences, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL



Ph.D., Education, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL Dissertation: Personal and Organizational Variables Related to the Adoption of Educational innovations in Liberal Arts Colleges 


Professional Positions




External Scholar, Intercultural Open University Foundation

Professor Emeritus, Graduate College, Union Institute & University, Cincinnati, OH



Core Professor, Graduate College, Union Institute & University, Cincinnati, OH 



Provost, Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities, Cincinnati, OH 



Graduate Dean, Union West, Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities, Cincinnati, OH 



Dean and Professor, School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 



Assistant Dean, College of Education, Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of Higher Education, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 



Associate Secretary, Commission on Higher Learning, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Chicago, IL 



History teacher, Rich Township High School, Park Forest, IL 

Professional Associations


Council for Adult and Experiential Education, Columbia, MD



American Association for Higher Education


American Association of University Professors 


Community, Civic, and Professional Services: 



Former board member, Northcentral University, Prescott, AZ, a new distance learning institution 



Former board member, the United States–China Educational Institute, San Francisco, CA (a not-for-profit organization promoting health professional exchanges between the U.S. and the Peoples Republic of China 



Former board member, Iris Arts Foundation and Educational Group, Berkeley, CA (a not-for-profit organization promoting the arts in elementary and secondary schools 

Scholarly Activities

Scholarship of Discovery:

1986  “Electronic Networking Opens New Worlds to Adult Learning,” New Directions in Education, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishing Co., (with Catherine L. Marlowe) 
1985  “Microcomputers in the Workplace,” Managing Organizational Behavior (2d Ed.), John R. Schemerhorn, Jr., James G. Hunt, and Richard N. Osborn, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 
1987 1966  “Off Campus Programs at NCA Colleges and Universities,” NCA Quarterly, Chicago, IL 
1966  “Accrediting Technical and Vocational Programs,” NCA Quarterly, Chicago, IL 
1965  “Appraisal of Changes in Education,” NCA Quarterly, Chicago, IL 
1966 1964  USDOE Cooperative Research Grant [dissertation research] “Personal and Organizational Variables Related to the Adoption of Educational Innovations in Liberal Arts Colleges” 
1964  ”Organizational Structure and Decision Making,” in Explorations in Decision Making, Midwest Administration Center, The University of Chicago 

Interdisciplinary Scholarship:

On-going research in the following areas: Education and Social Change; Information Technology and Social Transformation; Cooperative and Collaborative Learning Styles in Higher Education

2001  The development of a conceptual framework for engaging in improvisational learning based upon jazz as a metaphor. 
2002  Union Institute & University seminar, “Painting, Jazz, and Culture,” to explore visual and auricular dimensions through direct experience. Approved by the Academic Process and Review Committee. Co-convener Jose Cedillos. 
1996-2001  A series of yearly Union Institute & University seminars, “Spiritual Experience and Social Engagement,” that addressed the intersections of social and spiritual consciousness. Approved by the Academic Process and Review Committee. Co-convener Colin Greer. 
1998  Presenter at the Historically Black College and University faculty development conference on “Information Technology and Social Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges for Black Communities,” dealing with African-American access to the Internet, Cincinnati, OH 
1997-1998  Principal researcher on the “Improvisation Learning Principles” research project, supported by the Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, MI 
1998  Presentation on “Dialoguing About Competitive, Cooperative, and Collaborative Learning Styles in Higher Education,” at the American Association of Higher Education conference, Atlanta, GA 
1997  Union Institute & University seminar, “Education and Social Change: Participation, Education, and Democratic Theory,” to analyze interacting forces in educational change. Approved by the Academic Process and Review Committee. Co-convener Colin Greer. 
1993  Union Institute & University seminar, “Politics, Attitudes and People with Disabilities: A Search for Identity, Esteem and Meaning in American Society,” explored policies and practices for disabled persons. Approved by the Academic Process and Review Committee. Co-convener Hal Kirshbaum. 
1992  Union Institute & University seminar, “Experience, Learning and Action,” to address the interdisciplinary dimensions of educational experiences. Approved by the Academic Process and Review Committee. Co-convener Colin Greer. 
1973  “Synergy: A Model for Implementing Multicultural Education,” Journal of Teacher Education, American Association for Teacher Education (with Norman Bernier) 
1966  “Evaluating Liberal Arts Colleges,” NCA Bulletin, Chicago, IL 
1963  “College Teacher Project—A Summary Report, NCA Quarterly, Chicago, IL 

Scholarship of Engagement, Service, and Social Action:

2002-2004  Member, Graduate College Council of Representatives 
2000-2003  Chair, Admissions Committee for Arts & Sciences 
2001-present Historically Black Colleges and Universities Advisory Board 
1998-2002  Member, Union Institute & University’s Editorial Board 
1999-2000  Member, Union Institute & University’s New Ventures Task Force 
1998-1999  Member, Executive Committee, AAUP, TUI Chapter 
1994-1995  Member, Constitution Review and Monitoring Committee 
1994  Member, Faculty Appointment and Status Committee 
1993  Chair, Graduate College Long-Range Planning Committee 
1992-1994  Member and Chair, Quality Assurance Committee 
1985  “Overview of Traditional Oriental Medicine,” National Accreditation Commission, Columbia, MD, a statement prepared for presentation to the AMA and other agencies dealing with acupuncture educational programs 
1969  “The Blackstone Rangers and Urban Education,” University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Magazine 

Scholarship of Teaching and Learner Guidance:

1997 Presentation “Learning, Learning Styles and Networking: The Consequences for How Students Work and Study,” at the Historically Black College and University Faculty Development Symposia, Atlanta, GA 
1985 “Participative Learning,” Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) Annual Assembly 
1984 Papers on the “Education for the Traditional Oriental Medicine Practitioner,” and “The Master of Acupuncture degree,” to the California Council of Acupuncture Schools, and the American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine 
1982 “Learning Outcomes in Graduate Education,” CAEL Annual Assembly 
1976 “Learning from the Urban Child,” Psychology in Urban Education, Gerald Gleason (Ed) 
1973 “Synergy. A Framework for the School Counselor,” Counseling and Values 
1972 “Social Studies Teachers in Terms of the Future,” National Council for the Social Studies Yearbook (with Pauline Tesler) 
1972 “The Failures of Compensatory Education,” Education and Urban Society 
1971 “Institutional Accountability: ALL, Some, none,” Journal of Research and Development in Education
1970 “Causes of Student Dissent in Secondary Schools,” Wisconsin Department of Public Education Newsletter 
1970 “A Cooperative Education Program, Realignments for Teacher Education,” American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Yearbook 
1969 “Urban Teacher Education,” in Proceedings of Wisconsin Interagency Conference on the Educationally Deprived 

Areas of Specialization

Higher Education
Curriculum and Instruction
Educational Administration