Janae B. Weinhold
PhD, LPC, Psychology
- PhD, The Union Institute, Cincinnati
- M. A., Sangamon State University, Springfield
- B. S., Illinois State University
Address |
| 4820 Topaz Drive |
Phone (W) |
| (719) 445-0565 |
Phone (H) |
| (719) 548-7438 |
Phone (C) |
| (719) 304-6176 |
| janaeweinhold@gmail.com | |
Websites |
| www.weinholds.org www.coprofdevcenter.org |
Janae B. Weinhold
PhD, LPC, Psychology
Janae B. Weinhold has a Ph.D. in Planetary Psychology, is a Colorado Licensed Professional Counselor, and co-directs the Colorado Institute for Conflict Resolution, their the nonprofit tax-exempt educational organization. Here they also conduct research and collaborate on a variety of educational and humanitarian projects in Ukraine.
Janae has lived abroad twice for extended period, worked as a consultant with the United Nations during the International Year of the Family, and served for more than 25 years as a trainer and consultant to mental health professionals in Ukraine. She credits these “box-breaking” experiences in helping her develop a global and systemic perspective for her professional work.
Janae has authored or co-authored 15+ books on developmental psychology, developmental trauma, conflict resolution, and relationships that grew out of their “relationship love-atory.” She is the mother of two sons and grandmother of three.
Professional History
Awards and Recognition
- Women Helping Women Award for humanitarian work with women in Russia and Ukraine, Soroptomists Club, Colorado Springs, CO, 1992.
- Rambo Award, Outstanding Prospective Teacher, School of Home Economics,
- Illinois State University, 1964
- Honor Studies Program. Selected to study child development at the Merrill
- Palmer Institute, Detroit, Michigan, Summer 1963.
Articles in Journals
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (2011). “The Impact of Developmental Trauma on Evolution.”
- Journal of the Association of Pre & Perinatal Psychology & Applied Health. Vol. 25, No 1, 17-23.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (2005). “Finding the Holy Grail,” Inner Tapestry,
- Maine’s Holistic Journal. Vol. 3, No. 4. pp. 12 – 13. Rockport, ME.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (1995). Global Psychotherapy: Healing the
- Whole Person and the Whole World, Journal of Psychohistory:(23) pp. 201-226.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (1993). Partnership Families: Building the Smallest Democracy at the Heart of Society,” Occasional Paper Series #5, United Nations Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, Secretariat for the International Year of the Family, Vienna, Austria.
- Weinhold, Janae & Barry Weinhold (1993). Building the Smallest Democracy at the Heart of Society. Family Counseling & Therapy:1:3, pp. 14-19.
- Weinhold, Janae & Barry Weinhold (1993). Building Partnership Families: A Psychosocial Approach. Family Counseling & Therapy: 1:4, pp. 1-20.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (1992). The Bratislava International Centre for Family Studies: Opportunity for Leadership, Sociológia: 24:6, pp. 603-610.
- Weinhold, Janae (1992). Violence in the Family: Learning What You Live, Creative Woman, Summer 1992.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (2015). Developmental Trauma: The Game Changer in the Mental Health Profession. Colorado Springs, CO: CICRCL Press.
- Weinhold, Janae (2014). How to Break Free of Con Artists, Sociopaths & Predators. CICRCL Press & Amazon CreateSpace, ebook and print format, Colorado Springs, CO, 213 pp.
- Weinhold, Janae (2013). How to Protect Yourself From Con Artists, Sociopaths & Predators. CICRCL Press & Amazon ebook, Colorado Springs, CO.
- Weinhold, Janae (2013). How to Identify Con Artists, Sociopaths & Predators. CICRCL Press & Amazon ebook, Colorado Springs, CO.
- Weinhold, Janae (2013). Breaking Free of Con Artists, Sociopaths & Predators. CICRCL Press & Amazon ebook, Colorado Springs, CO.
- Weinhold, Barry & Weinhold, Janae (2013). How To Break Free of the Drama Triangle & Victim Consciousness. CICRCL Press, Amazon ebook and print formats.
- Weinhold, Janae (2013). How to Protect Yourself From Con Artists, Sociopaths & Predators. CICRCL Press, Amazon ebook, Asheville, NC.
- Weinhold, Janae (2013). How to Spot Con Artists, Sociopaths & Predators. CICRCL Press, Amazon ebook, Amazon ebook, Asheville, NC.
- Weinhold, Janae (2013). Breaking Free of Con Artists, Sociopaths & Predators. CICRCL Press, Amazon ebook, Amazon ebook, Asheville, NC.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (2010). Healing Developmental Trauma: A Systems
- Approach for Counseling Individuals, Couples & Families. Love Publishing, Denver, CO.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (2008). Conflict Resolution: The Partnership Way. Love Publishing: Denver.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (2008). Breaking Free of the Co-dependency Trap. New World Library: Novato, CA, 245 pages.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (2008). The Flight From Intimacy New World Library: Novato, CA, 245 pages.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. (2007). Healing Developmental Trauma: Processes for Advancing Human Evolution. CICRCL Press, Swannanoa, NC.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. (2005). Breaking Free of Victim Consciousness. CICRCL Press, Asheville, NC.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. (2003). Counter-dependency: The Flight From Intimacy ( 2nd edition). Trafford Publishing.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (2000). Conflict Resolution: The Partnership Way. Love Publishing: Denver.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (1992). Counter-dependency: The Flight From Intimacy. CICRCL Press: Colorado Springs, CO, 272 pages.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (1989). Breaking Free of the Co-dependency Trap. Stillpoint International: Walpole, NH, 245 pages.
- Weinhold, Janae. (1987). Global Thinking Through Whole Brain Learning. CICRCL Press, Colorado Springs, CO, 225 pages.
- Weinhold, Janae (1987). Birthing the Planet and Ourselves: A Guide for Alchemical Learning. CICRCL Press, Colorado Springs, CO, 180 pages.
Chapters in Books
- Weinhold, Janae and Weinhold, Barry (1992). Developmental Process Work: A Transpersonal Approach to Marriage and Family Therapy. In B. Weinhold & G. Hendricks, Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Transpersonal Approach. Denver: Love Publishing.
- Weinhold, Janae and Weinhold, Barry (1997). Developmental Systems Theory: A Transpersonal Systems Theory. In D. Fenell and B. Weinhold, Counseling Families: An Introduction to Marriage and Family Therapy. Denver: Love Publishing.
Television Series
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. (2009). Health Care Reform Series: What is Broken and How Can We Fix It? URTV, Asheville, NC, April 8, 2009.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. (2009). Health Care Reform Series: Heart Disease Prevention, URTV, Asheville, NC, April 22, 2009.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. (2009). Health Care Reform Series: Diabetes Prevention, URTV, Asheville, NC, May 6 2009..
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. (2009). Health Care Reform Series: Cancer Prevention, URTV, Asheville, NC, May 13, 2009..
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. (2008). Building Sustainable Relationships: Breaking Free of the Co-dependency Trap. URTV, Asheville, NC.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. (2008). Building Sustainable Relationships: Breaking Free of Personal Co-dependency. URTV, Asheville, NC.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. (2008). Building Sustainable Relationships: Personal Counter-dependency and The Flight From Intimacy. URTV, Asheville, NC.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. (2008). Building Sustainable Relationships: Collective Counter-dependency and The Flight From Intimacy. URTV, Asheville, NC.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. (2008). Building Sustainable Relationships: Healing Developmental Trauma #1. URTV, Asheville, NC.
Video Tapes
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. (2004). Promoting Positive Mental Health in Children. CICRCL Press.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (2004). Journey Into the Multidimensional Heart. CICRCL Press.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (1991). Parenting Ourselves, Parenting Our Children. KKTV (CBS Affiliate). Colorado Springs, CO, 1 hour.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry (1985). Planetary Consciousness. Colorado Springs, CO, 30 minutes.
Grant Writing Experiences
- International Humanitarian Center for Chernobyl Survivors – July 1993
- Securing and Preparing Family Life Education Programs for Telecast in the Republics of the Former Soviet Union
- Voluntary Fund, Secretariat for the U. N. International Year of the Family. Amount: $10,000
- International Humanitarian Center for Chernobyl Survivors – December 1991
- Travel funding for a trip to consult in Kiev, Ukraine. Peter Senge Amount: $3,000
- International Humanitarian Center for Chernobyl Survivors – June 1991
- Travel funding for a six-member interdisciplinary fact-finding team from Colorado Springs, CO to travel to Kiev, Ukraine to assess the psychobiolgical aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster,
- The Ambassador Foundation, Pasadena, CA. Amount: $15,000
International Professional Presentations & Consultations
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “The Impact of Developmental Trauma on Evolution.” International
- Conference of the Association of Pre & Perinatal Psychology & Health, Asilomar, CA, Nov. 23, 2010.
- Weinhold, Janae. “Counter-dependency & the Flight From Intimacy,” Public Lecture at The Institute of Family Studies, Kiev, Ukraine, May 31, 2010.
- Weinhold, Janae. “Co-dependency & Democracy, Politics and Psychology,” Public Lecture at Institute of Sociology, Kiev, Ukraine, April 24, 2007.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “Breaking Free of Victim Consciousness,” The Sanctuary in Barbados, January 17, 2004.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “2012: A Multidimensional Journey Through 225 Million Years,” The Sanctuary in Barbados, January 16, 2004.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “The Hero/Heroine’s Journey of Transformation,” ACES Counseling & Spirituality Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 20, 1999.
- Weinhold, Janae B. & Bondarovskaya, Valentina M. “The Influence of Communism on the Ethics, Psychology and Culture of the People of Eastern Europe,” 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology, Madrid, Spain, July 22, 1994.
- Weinhold, Janae B. “Level I Training in Applied Psychology for Ukrainian Psychologists,” Bratislava International Family Centre, Bratislava, Slovkia, July 2 – 14, 1994.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “Conflict Resolution Strategies,” U. S. Peace Corps Training, Seychelles Islands, December 19, 1992.
- Weinhold, Janae. “Introductory Training in Counseling Techniques.” International Humanitarian Center for the Survivors of the Chernobyl Disaster Staff Training, Kiev, Ukraine, November 18, 1992.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “Violence in Human Relations,” Workshop facilitator at the First International Minoan Celebration of Partnership, Herakleon, Crete, Greece, October 4-11, 1992.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “Don’t Throw the Baby Out With the Bath Water.” (Invited Address), Slovak Psychological Society, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 17, 1993.
- Weinhold, Janae. Consultation with Ministry of Education and staff development with The International Humanitarian Center for the Survivors of the Chernobyl Disaster, Kiev, Ukraine, April 23-29, 1992.
- Weinhold, Janae. Consultation with Ministry of Education and staff development with The International Humanitarian Center for the Survivors of the Chernobyl Disaster, Kiev, Ukraine, December 6 – 16, 1991.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Hosted a seven-member interdisciplinary fact-finding team from Kiev, Ukraine to study integrative psycho-social approaches for addressing the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster, October 10-17, 1991.
- Weinhold, Janae. Consultant with Ministry of Education and staff development and The International Humanitarian Center for the Survivors of the Chernobyl Disaster, Kiev, Ukraine, September 3-13, 1991.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Co-lead a six-member interdisciplinary fact-finding team from Colorado Springs, CO to assess the psycho-biological the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster, June 28- July 4, 1991.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Hosted a Ukrainian psychologist for one month to study applied psychological approaches to address the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster, April 1-30, 1991.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Hosted a Ukrainian psychologist for one month to study integrative approaches for the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster, February 1-28, 1991.
- Weinhold, Janae and Weinhold, Barry. “Sex and the Family.” Workshop for World Family International, Leningrad, U.S.S.R., August 17, 1990.
- Weinhold, Barry and Weinhold, Janae, “Conflict Resolution Strategies Workshop,” World Family International, Moscow, U.S.S.R., August 19, 1990.
National, Regional and State Presentations
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Developmental Trauma: The Game Changer in the Mental Health Profession. Colorado Mental Health Professionals Annual Conference, Denver, CO, April 22, 2016.
- Weinhold, Janae. Developmental Trauma: The Game Changer in the Mental Health Profession. 42nd InternationalWinter Symposium on Addictive Disorders, Behavioral Health and Mental Health, Colorado Springs, CO, February 2, 2016.
- Weinhold, Janae. Healing Developmental Trauma. 421st InternationalWinter Symposium on Addictive Disorders, Behavioral Health and Mental Health, Colorado Springs, CO, January 25, 2015.
- Weinhold, Janae. Shift Insurance: Preparing for 2012. Naples, FL, January 21, 2009.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Developmental Trauma: Attachment Disorders & Consequences in Adulthood. 28th Annual Health Promotion & Preventive Medicine Seminar, Hilton Head, SC, July 24, 2008.
- Weinhold, Janae. Mastering Duality: Paths of Service-to-Self vs. Service-to-Others, Naples, FL, Dec. 10, 2005.
- Weinhold, Janae. Ascension, Rebirth & the Dimensional Shift. Mountain Light Network, Franklin, NC, Dec. 4, 2005.
- Weinhold, Janae. 2012 Series Facilitator and Presenter. Asheville, NC, Sept. 12 – Nov. 7, 2005.
- Weinhold, Janae. 2012: Preparing for the Shift. Hendersonville, NC, May 24 and June 8, 2005.
- Weinhold, Janae. 2012: Preparing for the Shift. Atlanta, GA, March 19, 2005.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. The Divine Triangle: Sacred Relationships With Self, Society & Source. CICRCL, Asheville, NC, November 21, 2004.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. The Shift is Happening, CICRCL, Asheville, NC, August 7, 2004.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. 2012: Preparing for the Shift. Asheville, NC, CICRCL, June 16, 2004.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Guidelines for Creating a Partnership Relationship. BodyMindSpirit Expo, Asheville, NC, April 4, 2004.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. 2012: A Multi-media Journey Through the Past 225 Million Years. LifeArts Expo, Atlanta, GA, April 3, 2004.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. 2012: A Multi-media Journey Through the Past 225 Million Years. LifeArts Expo, Charlotte, NC, 2003.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Alchemical Approaches to Resolving Conflict. CICRCL, Asheville, NC, September 12 – 13, 2003.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Journey Into the Multidimensional Heart. CICRCL, Asheville, NC, August 22 – 24, 2003.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Breaking Free of Victim Consciousness. Naples Unity Church, Naples Florida, August 10, 2003.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Breaking Free of Victim Consciousness,” Unity Center, Asheville, North Carolina, August 3, 2003.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Journey Into the Multidimensional Heart. CICRCL, Naples, Florida, February – April, 2003.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Alchemical Approaches to Resolving Conflict,” CICRCL, Naples, Florida, April 5, 2003.
- Weinhold, Janae & Pierson, Judy. Innovative Approaches to Violence Prevention, Colorado Association for the Education of Young Children, Denver, Sept. 23, 2000
- Weinhold, Janae. Meeting the Social & Emotional Needs of Preschoolers, Colorado Association for the Education of Young Children, Denver, Sept. 23, 2000
- Weinhold, Janae, Attachment, Anger & Violence. Colorado Association for the Education of Young Children, Denver, April 14 & 15, 2000
- Weinhold, Janae, Pierson, Judy & Weinhold, Barry, Innovative Approaches to Violence Prevention, Colorado Association for the Education of Young Children, Denver, April 14, 2000
- Weinhold, Janae. Finding Your Purpose, Living Your Passion. Keynote address at Women’s Issues in the 90’s: Shattering the Myths About Aging Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, October 16, 1993.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. No-Exit Therapy. Workshop at 17th National Annual Summer Institute Conference on the Family, Addictions & Relationships, Colorado Springs, CO, Aug. 30, 1993.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Counter-dependency. Workshop at 7th National Conference on Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families, Santa Fe, NM, April 8, 1993.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Developmental Process Work Approach to Brief Therapy. Workshop at 7th National Conference on Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families, Santa Fe, NM, April 8, 1993.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. A Developmental Approach to Addiction Recovery. Workshop at 16th Annual Summer Institute Conference at the Family, Addictions & Relationships conference, Colorado Springs, CO, July 28, 1992.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Developmental Process Work: A Holistic Model for Treating Addictions. Keynote presentation at 24th Annual Southwestern School for Behavioral Health Studies, Tucson, AZ, May 18, 1992.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Developmental Process Work as a Brief Therapy Treatment Approach for Addictions. Workshop at 24th Annual Southwestern School for Behavioral Health Studies, Tucson, AZ, May 18, 1992.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Developmental Process Work: A Holistic Model for Treating Addictions. Keynote presentation at 24th Annual Southwestern School for Behavioral Health Studies, Tucson, AZ, May 18, 1992.
National Workshops
- Using Conflict Resolution to Resolve Intractable Conflicts, American Counseling Association International Conference, Washington, D. C, March 20, 2000.
- Teaching Conflict Resolution As a Transformative Process, Association for Counselor Educators & Supervisors National Conference, New Orleans, LA, October 30, 1999.
- Conflict Resolution Strategies for Counselors, American Counseling Association International Conference, San Diego, CA, March 30, 1998.
- The Psychological Roots of Youth & Family Violence, American Counseling Association, International Conference, Indianapolis, IN, March 28, 1998.
- Conflict Resolution Strategies, American Counseling Association International Conference, Indianapolis, IN, March 30, 1998.
- Birth, Conflict & Karma, Association for Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health, San Francisco, CA, December 6, 1997.
Newspaper Articles, Radio, Television Appearances and Local Presentations
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry, Diane Brandon, “ Reducing Conflict in Relationships – Enhancing Closeness,” Vibrant Living Web Talk Radio Show, November 9, 2009.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry, “Conflict Resolution: The Partnership Way, Dr. Lara Honos Web, The Sweet Spot Podcasts, March 11, 2009.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry, “Conflict Resolution: The Partnership Way,” Adam Lehman, “Health Matters Radio Show, March 4, 2009.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry, “Resolving Conflict in Your Relationship,” Teri Orbuch, The Love Doctor Podcasts, April 27, 2009.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry, “Counter-dependency & The Flight From Intimacy,” Patricia Raskin, Positive Living Podcast, April 4, 2009.
- Weinhold, Janae. “Breaking Free of the Co-dependency Trap,” Just for Women: Dating, Relationships, and Sex Radio Show, Host: Alissa Kriteman, 50 minutes, May 7, 2008.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “The Flight From Intimacy,” Just Energy Radio Show, Host: Dr. Rita Louise, 60 minutes, May 9, 2008.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry, “Breaking Free of the Co-dependency Trap,” In The Spirit Radio Show, Host: Gary Goldberg, 50 minutes, May 1, 2008.
- Weinhold, Janae. “The Flight From Intimacy,” Just for Women: Dating, Relationships, and Sex Radio Show, Host: Alissa Kriteman, 55 minutes, April 30, 2008
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “The Flight From Intimacy,” Living Your Power Radio Show, Host: Diane Brandon, 60 minutes, April 22, 2008.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “The Flight From Intimacy,” Positive Living Internet Radio Show, host: Patricia Raskin, 60 minutes, April 14, 2008.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “The Flight From Intimacy,” Interviews and Interactions Radio Show, host: Linda Strasburg, 60 minutes, April 5, 2008.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “The Flight From Intimacy,” Health Matters Radio Show, Host: Adam Lehman, 60 minutes, April 2, 2008.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. Host: “The Flight From Intimacy,” In The Spirit Radio Show, Host: Gary Goldberg, 50 minutes, March 27, 2008.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “Counter-dependency and The Flight From Intimacy,” Life Is Meant to Be Good Radio Show, Host: George Whitton, 30 minutes, March 18, 2008.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “ The Flight From Intimacy,” Strategies for Living Radio Show, 60 minutes, March 12, 2008.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “Breaking Free of the Co-dependency Trap,” The Sweet Spot Podcast, Host: Lara-Honos Webb, 20 minutes, Feb. 25, 2008.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “ The Flight From Intimacy,” The Alvin Augustus Jones Show, Host: Alvin Augustus Jones, 10 minutes, February 13, 2008.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “The Flight From Intimacy,” Host: Maria Sanchez, February 12, 2008.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “The Flight From Intimacy,” The Sweet Spot Podcast, Host: Lara-Honos Webb, 20 minutes, Feb. 4, 2008.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “Co-dependency.” The Gary Null Show, New York, October 31, 2007.
- Weinhold, Janae and Weinhold, Barry. “Galactic Warming and the Mayan Prophesies,” Virato Live,” Asheville, NC, June 9, 2007.
- Weinhold, Janae & Weinhold, Barry. “Mentoring, Relationships and The Shift,” Dreamtime Radio Emerging Paradigm Show with John English, Phoenix, AZ, November 30, 2006.
- Weinhold, Janae and Weinhold, Barry. “Asheville: America’s New Consciousness Mecca.” Virato Live, Asheville, NC, April 8, 2006.
- Weinhold, Janae. “The Science of Kindness.” Spirit in the Smokies, Asheville, NC, November, 2005.
- Weinhold, Janae. “2012: Preparing for the Shift.” Oracle 20/20 Magazine, Atlanta, GA, September, 2005.
- Weinhold, Janae and Weinhold, Barry. “Book Review: Power vs. Force.” Spirit in the Smokies, Asheville, NC, July 2004.
- Weinhold, Janae and Weinhold, Barry. “Marry Me, Marry My Family,” Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph Lifestyle Feature Article, April 8, 1999.
- Weinhold, Janae and Weinhold, Barry. “Attachment Disorders in Children,” KVOR Radio, Colorado Springs, CO, “A Circle of Voices Show,” April 19, 1998.
- Weinhold, Janae and Weinhold, Barry. “Violence Prevention Approaches,” KVOR Radio, A Circle of Voices Show. February 1, 1998.
- Weinhold, Janae. “Unstressing the Workplace.” Colorado Springs Personnel Women, November 17, 1993.
- Weinhold, Janae and Wilsted, Nancy. “Menopause: Making the Transition.” KKTV, The Sandra Mann Show, Nov. 7, 1993.
- Weinhold, Janae. “A View from the East: Living and Working in Eastern Europe,” Soroptomists Club, Colorado Springs, CO, Oct. 27, 1993.
International, National, State and Local Trainings in Mental Health
- “Trauma-Informed Care Training for MH Practitioners,” Colorado Professional Development Center, 26-hour NBCC Certificate Training, Fall 2015, Colorado Springs, CO.
- ““Trauma-Informed Care Training Train-the-Trainers,” Colorado Professional Development Center, 16-hour NBCC Certificate Training, Fall 2015, Colorado Springs, CO.
- “Trauma-Informed Care Training for MH Practitioners,” Colorado Professional Development Center, 26-hour NBCC Certificate Training, Spring 2016, Colorado Springs, CO.
- “Healing Developmental Trauma Seminar.” Colorado Professional Development Center, July 16, 2015, Colorado Springs, CO.
- “Healing Developmental Trauma Seminar.” Colorado Professional Development Center, May 8, 2015, Colorado Springs, CO.
- “Developmental Trauma: The Game Changer in the Mental Health Profession.” 41st Winter Symposium on Addictive Disorders, Behavioral and Mental Health, Psychotherapy Associates, January 25, 2015, Colorado Springs, CO.
- “Developmental Process Work: A Clinical Model for Healing Developmental Trauma.” A week-long intensive training for mental health professionals, The Ukraine Process Work Center, Kiev, Ukraine.
- “The Role of Developmental Trauma in Domestic Violence,” guest presentation in UCCS class on Crisis Counseling, Trauma & World Disaster, June 24, 2014.
- “Preventing & Healing Developmental Trauma,” ROZRADA, Kiev, Ukraine, October 12, 2013.
- “A Developmental Approach for Working With Children / Healing Incest Trauma, ROZRADA, October 13, 2013.
- “Identifying & Healing Developmental Trauma,” ROZRADA, Kiev, Ukraine, June 2-4, 2010.
- “Healing Developmental Trauma,” MAHEC, Asheville, NC, July 16, 2009.
- “Psychotherapy of Counter-Dependency,” ROZRADA, Kiev, Ukraine, May 29 – 31, 2009.
- “Developmental Process Work Level II,” ROZRADA, Kiev, Ukraine, April 28 – 30, 2007.
- “Developmental Process Work Level I,” ROZRADA, Kiev, Ukraine, November 10 – 12, 2006.
- “Boys and Girls: Differing Social and Emotional Needs,” Western Regional Early Childhood Conference, Asheville, NC, May 15, 2008.
- “Promoting Positive Mental Health in Children,” National Smart Start Conference, Greensboro, NC, May 7, 2009.
- “Promoting Positive Mental Health in Children,” Western Regional Early Childhood Conference, Asheville, NC, May 17, 2008.
- “Caring For Yourself: Meeting Your Own Social & Emotional Needs,” Western Regional Early Childhood Conference, Asheville, NC, May 16, 2007.
- “Conflict Resolution: The Partnership Way,” National Smart Start Conference, Greensboro, NC, May 9, 2008.
- Keynote Address: “Positive Mental Health,” Buncombe County Child Care Services, Asheville, NC, October 8, 2007.
- “New Approaches for Childcare Professionals,” Buncombe County Child Care Services, Asheville, NC, September 12, 2007.
- “Promoting Positive Mental Health in Children,” Buncombe County Child Care Services, Asheville, NC, August 1, 2007.
- “Preventing Developmental Trauma,” Buncombe County Child Care Services, Asheville, NC, August 8, 2007.
- “Healing Developmental Trauma, Western Regional Early Childhood Conference, Asheville, NC, May 19, 2007.
- “Promoting Positive Mental Health in Children,” Western Regional Early Childhood Conference, Asheville, NC, May 19, 2007.
- “Developmental Process Work,” ROZRADA, Kiev, Ukraine, April 26– 28, 2007.
- “The Psychotherapy of Co-dependency,” ROZRADA Center of Practical Psychology, Kiev, Ukraine, November 9 – 11, 2006.
- “How Children Learn.” Western North Carolina Community Action Head Start/Early Head Start, Brevard, NC, March 15, 2005.
- “Promoting Positive Mental Health in Children.” Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC), Asheville, NC, March 5, 2004.
- “Meeting the Social & Emotional Needs of High-Risk Children,” Alamosa County Department of Social Services, Alamosa, CO, October 19, 2000.
- “Meeting the Attachment Needs of Children in Child Care,” El Paso County Family Child Care Association, Colorado Springs, CO, Sept. 20, 2000
- “Meeting the Social & Emotional Needs of Infants & Toddlers,” Statewide mental health training for childcare professionals, Colorado Springs, Sept. 14, 2000
- “Meeting the Social & Emotional Needs of Infants & Toddlers,” Statewide mental health training for childcare paraprofessionals, Colorado Springs, Sept. 16, 2000
- “Practical Tools for Helping Troubled Children,” Prowers County Childcare Learning Cluster, Lamar, CO, Sept. 6, 2000
- “Attachment & Bonding: Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Young Children,” Infant Graduated Childcare, Colorado Springs, CO, April 4, 2000.
- “Attachment & Bonding: Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Young Children,” Childcare Response Team Project, Colorado Springs, CO, January 18, 2000.
- “Positive Mental Health for Children,” Prowers County Childcare Learning Cluster, Lamar, CO, January 15, 2000.
- Clinical Supervision Group in Developmental Process Work, CICRCL, Colorado Springs, CO, Fall 1998 – Spring 2000.
- “Positive Mental Health for Children,” Baca County Childcare Learning Cluster, Springfield, CO, October 16, 1999.
- Advanced Training in “Positive Mental Health for Children.” Community Partnership For Child Development, Colorado Springs, CO, April 19, 1999.
- “Positive Mental Health for Children.” Community Partnership For Child Development, Colorado Springs, CO, Jan. 8, 1999.
- “Positive Mental Health for Children.” Child Care Connections, Colorado Springs, CO, October 1-3, 1998.
- “A Comprehensive Model for Treating Trauma,” CICRCL, Colorado Springs, CO, February 1, 1998.
- Level II Training: Developmental Process Work, CICRCL, Colorado Springs, CO, February, 1998.
- Level III Training: Developmental Process Work, CICRCL, Colorado Springs, CO, November 1997.
- Level I Training: Developmental Process Work, CICRCL, Colorado Springs, CO, October, 1997.
- Conflict Resolution Strategies Training, UC-CS, Colorado Springs, CO, July 1997.
- Conflict Resolution Strategies Training, All Souls Church, Colorado Springs, CO, March 22, 1997.
- Level II Training: Developmental Process Work, CICRCL, Colorado Springs, CO, February, 1997.
- Level I Training: Developmental Process Work, CICRCL, Colorado Springs, CO, October, 1996.
- Conflict Resolution Strategies Training, UC-CS, Colorado Springs, CO, October 1996.
- Level II Training: Developmental Process Work, CICRCL, Colorado Springs, CO, August, 1996.
- Conflict Resolution Strategies Training, UC-CS, Colorado Springs, CO, July 1996.
- Level II Training: Developmental Process Work, CICRCL, Colorado Springs, CO, February, 1996.
- Level II Training: Developmental Process Work, CICRCL, Colorado Springs, CO, January, 1996.
- Level I Training: Developmental Process Work, CICRCL, Colorado Springs, CO, October, 1995.
- Level II Training: Developmental Process Work, CICRCL, Colorado Springs, CO, August, 1995.
- Level II Training: Developmental Process Work, CICRCL, Colorado Springs, CO, January, 1994.
- Level II Training: Developmental Process Work, CICRCL, Colorado Springs, CO, August, 1993.
Other Scholarly Activities and Projects
- Masters’ Degree Field Faculty Advisor to Debra Ihrer, Early Childhood Professions degree with specialization in attachment, Norwich University, Fall 1999 – Fall 2000.
- Doctoral Committee Peer Member: Dr. Wesley Pulkka, May 1988; Dr. Don Kornelly, October 1988; Dr. Dianne Little, April 1990; Dr. Jeanne Rhodes, May 1997.
- Invited Panel Member: “Russia And Colorado: Today’s Realities. . . Tomorrow’s Vision.” El Pomar Foundation Public Policy Forum, Colorado Springs, CO, July 1995.
- Invited Participant: Educational Design Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, December, 1991.
- U. S. Partner: ROZRADA International Humanitarian Center, Kiev, Ukraine, September 1993 to present.
Professional Services & Memberships
- Colorado Counseling Association
- Strategic Planning Committee for Colorado Initiative in Children’s Mental Health Childcare Response Project Advisory Board, Colorado Springs, CO, 2000 – 2002
- Strategic Planning Committee for Colorado Initiative in Children’s Mental Health, Denver, CO, 2000 – 2002
- Founding Member, North Carolina Infant Mental Health Association, Greensboro, NC, 2012.
- Mental Health Begins With Me Community Initiative Follow-Up Team member, Colorado Springs, CO 2014- 2015.